Changing the drag-zoom action key to ALT

import io.data2viz.charts.* import io.data2viz.charts.dimension.* import io.data2viz.charts.chart.* import io.data2viz.charts.chart.mark.* import io.data2viz.charts.viz.* import io.data2viz.charts.core.* import io.data2viz.charts.core.Zoom import io.data2viz.charts.core.SelectionMode import io.data2viz.charts.core.Datum import io.data2viz.charts.layout.* import io.data2viz.geom.* import io.data2viz.color.* import io.data2viz.math.* import kotlin.random.Random import kotlinx.browser.document import org.w3c.dom.* val numPoint = 200 val randomPoints = (1 .. numPoint).map{ Point(Random.nextDouble(), Random.nextDouble() * 3 - 0.36) }.sortedBy { it.x } val chartWidth = 700.0 val chartHeight = 500.0 fun main() { val vc = newVizContainer().apply { size = Size(chartWidth, chartHeight) } vc.chart(randomPoints) { config { // Disable user-input highlight & selection from the chart events { zoomMode = ZoomMode.XY panMode = PanMode.XY selectionMode = SelectionMode.Multiple highlightMode = HighlightMode.None getUserActionOnMouseDown = { event -> when { event.altKey -> UserAction.Zoom else -> UserAction.Select } } } } val xPosition = quantitative( { domain.x } ) val yPosition = quantitative( { domain.y } ) plot(xPosition, yPosition) } }
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The getUserActionOnMouseDown lambda of the events config can be used to customize whick key trigger which user action (zoom, pan, select...). Here, we change the default key (CTRL or META) for zoom to the ALT key. You can now press ALT, then click drag the mouse to zoom on a part of the chart.
