Bind charts to external UI

import io.data2viz.charts.* import io.data2viz.charts.dimension.* import io.data2viz.charts.chart.* import io.data2viz.charts.chart.mark.* import io.data2viz.charts.viz.* import io.data2viz.charts.core.* import io.data2viz.charts.layout.* import io.data2viz.geom.* import kotlin.random.Random import kotlinx.browser.document import org.w3c.dom.* val divId = "infoDiv" val randomPoints = (1 .. 400).map{ Point(Random.nextDouble(), Random.nextDouble()) } fun main() { // Creating a UI element on top of page, we'll use it to display information val div = document.createElement("div") = divId div.innerHTML = "Roll over the plots to get their position." document.body!!.appendChild(div) val vc = newVizContainer().apply { size = Size(700.0, 500.0) } val myChart = vc.chart(randomPoints) { val xPosition = quantitative( { domain.x } ) val yPosition = quantitative( { domain.y } ) plot(xPosition, yPosition) } // Bind our data point to a UI element myChart.onHighlight { highlightEvent -> document.getElementById(divId)!!.apply { // Selected the first "Datum" from the HighlightEvent val datum: Datum<Point> = // The Datum.domain is a io.data2viz.geom.Point val point: Point = datum.domain innerHTML = "Highlighting point #${datum.indexInData}: X=${point.x}, Y=${point.y}" } } }
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Very simple example of data binding from Charts-kt to an external UI element.
